Beat The 3pm Sugar Cravings With This ONE Thing

Let’s talk about the 3pm slump. For many of us, the moment we wake up until after lunch is hectic! The problem is that eating that chocolate bar or cookie spikes our blood sugar levels and while it tastes delicious at the time, we end up feeling worse not longer after eating it. 

Let’s talk about the 3pm slump. For many of us, the moment we wake up until after lunch is hectic! We scoff down our breakfast, race off to work and are on the go until lunch. Somewhere between lunch and dinner we hit that dreaded slump and all we can think about is sugar to make it through the afternoon. The problem is that eating that chocolate bar or cookie spikes our blood sugar levels and while it tastes delicious at the time, we end up feeling worse not longer after eating it.

So what can we do to beat that 3pm slump and curb those sugar cravings? Cue, PROTEIN! I can’t emphasize how important it is for our body for so many different reasons but especially in keeping us satiated and supporting an active lifestyle. This is something I teach in depth in my Zero To Thrive Challenge #2 where I introduce the Fantastic Four and why they are so important when part of a weight loss journey. Some of the reasons why I LOVE protein are:

  1. Protein can reduce appetite and hunger levels. Basically, protein helps us to feel more full. This is largely due to its ability to reduce our hunger hormone (Ghrelin) and boost our satiety-related hormones.
  2. Eating protein can help increase muscle mass and strength as well as reduce muscle loss when losing weight.
  3. Protein is good for your bones helping to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fracture so you can continue to Dance That Walk comfortably forever!
  4. Protein can help you keep fit as you get older – protein forms the main building block of your body’s tissues and organs so eating more protein after injury can help speed up recovery or daily performance

Now while protein may be the star of the show, choosing snacks that are low GI and fibre-rich will also keep blood sugar levels stable as well as help you feeling fuller for longer. That’s why creating a balanced snack, rich in protein as well as healthy fats and carbohydrates will get you through the afternoon until dinner without that lethargic feeling. Check out our go-to snack options below!

– Rice cakes with smoked salmon or canned tuna

– Boiled egg with 1/4 avocado on a slice of whole grain toast

– Apple or Banana with 1TBS of Peanut Butter

– Homemade Granola (recipe here) with a heaped Tbs of Greek Yoghurt and berries

Getting up and MOVING your body will also greatly help you to overcome the slump. When we move our body endorphins (our happy hormones) are released. The same is true for when we eat chocolate, however the later is not always optimal (in excess) when we are on a health journey.


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